单项选择题The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in _____ century.

A.the 4th
B.the 5th
C.the 6th
D.the 7th



1.单项选择题Most of poems in Leaves of Grass was about _____.

A.man and love
B.love and nature
C.man and nature

2.单项选择题Which of the following is NOT written by Edgar Alla Poe

B.To Helen.
C.The Raven.
D.Annabel Lee.

3.单项选择题On which day is Halloween celebrated

A.5 November.
B.31 October.
C.17 March.
D.25 December.

4.单项选择题The largest city in Australia is _____.


5.单项选择题The word "girl" originally meant young people; and now it refers to young lady. This is an example of _____.

A.meaning shift
B.loss of meaning
C.widening of meaning
D.narrowing of meaning

7.单项选择题Which of the following words contains one bound morpheme


8.单项选择题Which of the following statements about human alveolar macrophage is TRUE

A.Airborne dust may trigger suppressor macrophage suicides.
B.Airborne dust may trigger stimulatory macrophage suicides.
C.The ratio of suppressor macrophages to stimulatory ones in people with lung diseases is much higher than that in people with healthy lungs.
D.Only stimulatory macrophages show responses to airborne dust.

9.单项选择题According to this passage, Environmental Protection Agency _____.

A.is the only agency studying the effects of air pollution on health
B.has launched a surprised attack on researchers
C.has decided to decrease the permitted concentration of airborne dust
D.has tremendously improved pollution control

10.单项选择题It is implied in the passage that _____.

A.many industrialists feel no concern for the improvement of pollution control
B.breathing low concentrations of urban dust does not necessarily sicken or kill people
C.no acceptable biological mechanism has been suggested to explain the toxicity of low concentration of urban dust
D.scientists have done nothing to reveal the mystery of the toxicity of low concentration of urban dust