单项选择题Take these pills three times a day. Come back and see me in a week.()

A.Thank you very much indeed.
B.I can't make it. 
C.I haven't decided yet.  
D.Good idea!



1.单项选择题Suzan speaks English()John.

A.so fluently as
B.as fluent as
C.more fluent than 
D.much more fluently than

2.单项选择题Stars have better players, so I()them to win.


4.单项选择题Sorry. I have taken your sports shoes by mistake.()

A.That's right 
B.You're welcome
C.It doesn't matter 
D.All right

5.单项选择题Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.()

A.Not at all
B.Don 't say so
C.I don't think so 
D.It doesn't matter

6.单项选择题Some TV programs are interesting but some others are()and full of violence.

C.to be frightening
D.to be frightened

7.单项选择题Some architectural designs are better than()

C.the other
D.the rest

8.单项选择题So,()this weekend, Kate? Oh, Diane and I went for a drive in the country.

A.what did you do
B.how well did you play
C.how good were you
D.when did you go

9.单项选择题Smoking is forbidden in the workshop, please stop it. Sorry, I()

A.am not sure
B.have no idea 
C.do know
D.did not know

10.单项选择题Smoking is bad for your health. So, please()

A.give it up
B.give it in
C.give it out
D.give it away