单项选择题While a client with hypertension is being assessed, he says to the nurse, "I really don't know why I'm here. I feel fine and haven't had any symptoms. " Which of the following would be the nurse's best response

A."Symptoms of hypertension are often not present. "
B."Symptoms of hypertension signify a high risk of stroke. "
C."Symptoms of hypertension occur only with malignant hypertension. "
D."Symptoms of hypertension appear after irreversible kidney damage has occurred. "



1.单项选择题A client is taking chlorpropamide (Diabenese). Which of the following side effects should be nurse expect from the medication

B.Oral candidiasis.
C.Dumping syndrome.
D.Extrapyramidal symptoms.

2.单项选择题The nurse at a substance abuse center answers the phone. A probation officer asks if a client is in treatment. The nurse responds, "No, the client you're looking for isn't here. " Which of the following statements best describes the nurse's response

A.Correct because she didn't give out information about the client.
B.A breech of the principle of veracity because the nurse is misleading the officer.
C.Illegal because she's withholding information from law enforcement agents.
D.A violation of confidentiality because she informed the officer that the client wasn't there.

3.单项选择题Which one of the following nursing interventions should be included in a plan of care for a client with a T tube

A.Maintain client in a supine position while T tube is in place.
B.Keep T tube clamped except for during mealtimes.
C.Inspect skin around the T tube daily for irritation.
D.Irrigate the T tube every 4 hours to maintain patency.

4.单项选择题The client is taking medication to control his cancer pain. Which of the following statements indicates that the client needs further instruction

A."I should take my medication around-the-clock to control my pain. "
B."I should skip doses periodically so I don't get hooked on my drugs. "
C."It is okay to take my pain medication even if I am not having any pain. "
D."I should contact the oncology nurse if my pain is not effectively controlled. "

5.单项选择题Which of the following findings is suggestive of myocardial infarction (MI)

A.Below-normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
B.Elevated white blood cell count.
C.Elevated serum cholesterol value.
D.Elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK) value.

6.单项选择题Which of the following is an early sign of laryngeal cancer

A.Difficulty swallowing.
B.Chronic foul breath.
C.Persistent mild hoarseness.
D.Nagging unproductive cough.

7.单项选择题A primigravida at 28 weeks' gestation is admitted with a diagnosis of preterm labor. The client's contractions are occurring every 15 to 20 minutes, lasting 25 seconds. The membranes are intact. What should the nurse do

A.Request assistance from the neonatal resuscitation team.
B.Place the client on bed rest on her left side.
C.Obtain equipment for an amniotomy.
D.Prepare terbutaline in an intravenous solution of normal saline.

8.单项选择题The most common symptom associated with bladder cancer is

A.burning on urination.
B.frequent infections.
C.painless hematuria.
D.decreasing urine output.

9.单项选择题The nurse is caring for a child with leukemia. Which of the following should the nurse priority pay more attention to

A.Preventing injury.
B.Monitoring the child's platelet count.
C.Monitoring the child's temperature.
D.Encouraging increased fluid intake.

10.单项选择题A client with iron-deficiency anemia is prescribed liquid iron supplements. The nurse teaches the client's about how to take this drug. Which of the following statements by the client indicates that the education is effective

A."I will report any black stools to the physician. "
B."I will dilute the medication and drink it with a straw. "
C."I will check my gums for any bleeding. "
D."I can use antidiarrheal drugs if I develop diarrhea. "