单项选择题Mrs. S with preterm labor will be under Terbutaline (Brethine) therapy. Before beginning the therapy, which of the following assessments would be most important

A.Estimated fetal size.
B.Maternal heart rate.
C.Contraction intensity.
D.Deep tendon reflexes.



2.单项选择题Antipsyehotie medications may cause which of the following adverse effects

A.Increased production of insulin.
B.Lower seizure threshold.
C.Increased coagulation time.
D.Increased risk of heart failure.

3.单项选择题The mother of a new-born asks the nurse how often she should breastfeed her baby. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be best

A."Newborns should breastfed at least every 3 hours during the day. "
B."Newborns should be fed when they cry. "
C."As long as the baby feeds four times a day, he will get enough. "
D."Newborns may breastfeed continuously until they stabilize. "

4.单项选择题A community nurse is performing a physical assessment on an 18-month-old child. Which of the following would be best

A.Carry out the assessment from head to toe.
B.Assess motor function by having the child run and walk.
C.Have the mother hold the toddler on her lap.
D.Assess the respiratory and cardiac systems first.

5.单项选择题Mrs. Brown, who is breast-feeding, asks the nurse if she should supplement breast- feeding with formula feeding. The nurse bases the response on which of the following

A.Formula feeding should be avoided to prevent interfering with the breast milk supply.
B.Primarily, water supplements should be used to prevent jaundice.
C.Formula supplements can provide nutrients not found in breast milk.
D.More vigorous sucking is needed for a bottle-feeding, so supplements should be avoided.

6.单项选择题The client is taking carbamazepine (Tegretol) to treat his trigeminal neuralgia. While preparing the client's teaching plan, which of the following instructions should the nurse include

A.Limit physical activity while taking the drug.
B.Eliminate caffeine from the diet while taking drug.
C.Arrange to have a CBC drawn weekly.
D.Take the drug on an empty stomach.

8.单项选择题The nurse is caring for a client in an acute manic state. What's the most effective nursing action for this client

A.Assigning him to group activities.
B.Reducing his stimulation.
C.Assisting him with self-care.
D.Helping him express his feelings.

9.单项选择题Which of the following techniques is appropriate for irrigating an adult client's ear to move cerumen

A.After instilling the solution, pack the ear canal tightly with cotton pledgets.
B.Allow the irrigating solution to run down the wall of the ear canal.
C.The irrigating solution should be cool.
D.Use sterile solution and equipment.

10.单项选择题Which of the following denotes the primary reason that the nurse inserts an indwelling urinary (Foley) catheter in a child with severe burns

A.Monitoring for a urinary tract infection.
B.Measuring urine output accurately.
C.Preventing urinary retention.
D.Assessing urine specific gravity.