单项选择题Which of the following interventions will assist the client in taking phenytoin as prescribed

A.Calling him daily for the first week after hospital discharge.
B.Having a family member monitor him to ensure compliance.
C.Providing him with written and verbal instructions about the medicine.
D.Emphasizing that embarrassing seizures may occur again if he does not take the medicine.



1.单项选择题The nurse instructs the female client concerning hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms. Which of the following points should the nurse include in the client's teaching plan

A.Estrogen therapy eliminates the need for supplemental calcium intake.
B.Estrogen therapy can reduce the risk of menopausal bone loss.
C.The risk of uterine cancer is decreased after menopause.
D.Smoking is associated with a later onset of menopause.

3.单项选择题Three weeks after the application of the spica cast following surgery for an infant, the mother told the nurse that the infant's toes are swollen and cool to the touch. Which of the following would the nurses suspect

A.Cotton wadding lining of the cast has shrunk.
B.An infection has developed under the cast.
C.Child's feet were in a dependent position.
D.Child has outgrown the spica cast.

4.单项选择题During a home visit 4 days after delivery, the breast-feeding client tells the nurse that her breasts are hard and tender. The nurse suspects breast engorgement. Which of the following action should the nurse instruct the client to do

A.Take a moderately strong analgesic after the infant breast-feeds on both sides.
B.Use her hand or a pump to express a small amount of breast milk before breast-feeding.
C.Discontinue breast-feeding immediately and replace it with bottle-feeding during the night.
D.Apply ice packs to the breasts for 20 minutes just before breast-feeding the newborn.

5.单项选择题When instructing the client with severe burns about proper nutrition, the nurse would encourage him to eat which of the following meals

A.Chicken breast, salad, iced tea.
B.Roast beef sandwich, milkshake, cottage cheese.
C.Hamburger, orange, coffee.
D.Pasta salad, carrots, iced tea.

6.单项选择题Which of the following interventions would likely be most effective for the client to use at home when managing the discomfort of rhinoplasty the initial 2 days after surgery

A.Applying ice compresses.
B.Applying warm, moist compresses.
C.Lying in a prone position.
D.Blowing the nose gently.

7.单项选择题Assertive behavior involves which of the following elements

A.Expressing an air of superiority.
B.Saying what is on your mind at the expense of others.
C.Avoiding unpleasant situations and circumstances.
D.Standing up for your rights while respecting the rights of others.

8.单项选择题While suctioning a client's laryngectomy tube, the nurse should insert the catheter

A.about 1 to 2 inches.
B.as the client exhales.
C.until resistance is met, then withdraw it 1 to 2 cm.
D.until the client begins coughing.

10.单项选择题A client with ulcerative colitis is chatting with the nurse. Which of the following statements indicates the client understands the lifestyle modifications he needs to make

A."I will have to stop smoking. "
B."I can eat popcorn for an evening snack. "
C."I may have coffee with my meals. "
D."I am allowed to have alcohol as long as I only drink wine. "