单项选择题The neonate's big toe dorsiflexes and the other toes fan when the nurse gently strokes the sole of the foot. The nurse should interpret this positive finding as which of the following

A.Stepping reflex.
B.Plantar grasp.
C.Galant reflex.
D.Babinski sign.



1.单项选择题A client with a history of alcoholism returns to the hospital 3 hours later than he supposed to be. His breath smells of alcohol and his gait is unsteady. Which of the following would be the best response by the nurse

A."I'm disappointed that you weren't responsible with your day pass. "
B."Please go to bed now. We'll talk in the morning. "
C."Why are you 3 hours late"
D."How much did you drink tonight Drinking is against the rules. "

2.单项选择题The parents of a child being discharged from the day surgery center after insertion of tympanostomy tubes ask the nurse. "What will happen to the tubes in my child's ears" Which of the following would be the nurse's best response

A."The tubes usually dissolve on their own in about 1 year. "
B."The tubes must remain permanently in place. "
C."You'll probably see them fall out in about 6 months. "
D."Call for an appointment to have them removed in about 6 months. "

3.单项选择题To prevent external rotation of the client's hips while he is lying on his back, it would be best for the nurse to place

A.firm pillows under the length of his legs.
B.sandbags alongside his legs from knees to ankles.
C.troehanter rolls alongside his legs from ilium to midthigh.
D.a footboard that supports his feet in the normal anatomic position.

5.单项选择题The mother of a 4-year-old asks about dental care for her child. "I help brush her teeth every day and her teeth look healthy. When should I take her to see a dentist" Which of the following responses would be most appropriate

A."Because you help brush her teeth, there's no need to see a dentist right now. "
B."Ideally she should have seen a dentist already, but it's still not too late. "
C."Your child doesn't need to see the dentist until she starts school. "
D."A dental checkup is a good idea even if no problems are noticeable. "

6.单项选择题A client receiving haloperidol (Haldol) complains of a stiff jaw and difficulty swallowing. Which of the following should be the nurse's first action

A.Reassure the client and administer as-needed lorazepam (Ativan) IM.
B.Administer as-needed dose of benztropine (Cogentin) by mouth as ordered.
C.Administer as-needed dose of benztropine (Cogentin) IM as ordered.
D.Administer as-needed dose of haloperidol (Haldol) by mouth.

7.单项选择题Which of the following situations is more likely to predispose a client to postpartum hemorrhage

A.Birth of a 7 lb (3,175g) infant.
B.Prolonged first stage of labor.
C.Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH).
D.Birth of twins.

8.单项选择题A client exhibits confusion and severe memory loss. At 11:30 AM, he tells the nurse that he is going to work and proceeds to walk toward the door. Which of the following actions should be the nurse take

A.Remind him that he retired from his job 10 years ago.
B.Tell him that she'll accompany him for a short walk outdoors.
C.Divert his attention toward the dining room where lunch is being served.
D.Tell him that he does not have to go to work today.

9.单项选择题A multigravida at 36 weeks' gestation visits the emergency department because her boyfriend has beaten her severely. What should the nurse do first

A.Contact the authorities.
B.Ensure the client's safety.
C.Identify a support person.
D.Photograph the client's injuries.

10.单项选择题A client is admitted to the psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Although she is 5'7" and weighs only 100 lb, she keeps on telling the nurse about how fat she is. What should the nurse do first

A.Discuss cultural stereotypes regarding thinness and attractiveness.
B.Explore the reasons why the client doesn't eat.
C.Teach the client about nutrition, calories, and a balanced diet.
D.Establish a trusting relationship with the client.