单项选择题Since ancient times, the destructive effects of earthquakes on human lives and property have encouraged the search for reliable methods of earthquake prediction. This challenge remains and modern scientists continue to search for reliable methods to determine the time, place and intensity of individual quakes. One prediction technique involves an analysis of the recurrence (重现) rates of earthquakes as indicators of future activity. Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world which are subject to constant movements of earth’s plates and it is in these areas that scientists focus their investigations.
This search for pre-earthquake phenomena has received particular attention. In contrast to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who relied on the crying of dogs as a warning sign, modern scientists have focused on physical evidence for a coming earthquake. Evidence of plate strain can be found by measuring relative movements, while chemical changes also offer signals for scientists.
Analysis of the changes in magnetic properties and conductivity (传导性) of rocks provides further data for prediction. The electrical and magnetic properties of crustal (地壳的) rocks are particularly sensitive to strain. The conductivity of crustal rock is determined by the degree to which the rock is soaked with fluid and the electrolytic properties of those fluids. Before large earthquakes, small fractures develop in rocks, which change the quantity of fluid present. These changes can be measured and provide useful data. However, similar changes in the fluid, bearing capacity of rock can occur as a result of other factors such as changes in the water table, and therefore this technique is not entirely reliable.
The ancient believe that the behavior of birds, cats and dogs provides evidence of inevitable earthquakes has recently been attended as a result of tests carried out in California. It has been shown that changes take place in the metabolic (新陈代谢的) rates of these animals correlate with subsequent seismic activity. It is assumed that the animals are sensitive to the seismic waves which precede major quakes. In zones where earthquakes are known to occur, improved construction techniques can significantly reduce the effects of seismic waves. If more accurate information regarding the time and intensity were available, governments could take even more effective measures to reduce the impact on human life, if, however, an entirely accurate prediction technique became available, there would be significant social and political implications.
Which of the following is used by modern scientists to indicate a coming earthquake

A.The crying of dogs.
B.The conductivity of rocks.
C.The changes in the water table.
D.The quantity of fluid in earth.



1.单项选择题Since the industrial revolution, government, society, and industry have attempted to channel technological progress in useful directions. Whether it is the printing press, the cotton gin (轧棉机), the automobile or the Internet, technological innovations (创新) often have profound economic and social effects. To control the benefits and minimize the more harmful effects of new technologies, modern governments use four basic approaches: specific direction, market incentives (刺激), criminal prohibition and behavior modification.
Specific direction starts with governments identifying one or more key factors in the R&D phase. Then, using a variety of means ranging from administrative regulation to complete state Ownership, the government seeks to control the implementation of the technology.
Market incentives are the deliberate manipulation of the market by the government to control how a particularly technology is distributed and used. For example, some governments impose taxes to cover the hidden costs associated with the use of a particular technology. And also, some governments raise gasoline taxes to pay for highway improvements. Other methods include the granting of allowances to private researchers or the strengthening of intellectual property laws to give added allowances to developers.
Criminal prohibition usually takes place when strong opposition exists to a particular technology or field of research. In recent years, most developed countries have enacted legislation to ban the cloning of human beings. Other examples are the enforcement of clean air regulations that force power plants to emit fewer greenhouse gasses.
Finally, behavior modification includes the use of the media, advertising, and government and corporate leadership to encourage a particular society to use a technology in a beneficial way. Such campaigns do not use direct government regulation, but instead appeal to the user’s sense of civic duty or social responsibility.
Of all new technologies, perhaps none has changed the landscape and character of American life more than the automobile. Yet, the costs of this technology are not always reflected in the price of using the technology. For that, we must factor in the environmental costs associated with air pollution and the political costs. In short, in order to be effective, all of these strategies for channeling technology to benefit society must include all the costs associated with usage.
Behavior modification is different from the other three measures in that it ______.

A.requires the cooperation of companies and individuals
B.is targeted at encouraging innovations in advertising industry
C.involves less forced actions and administrative interference
D.helps to build people’s sense of responsibility for society

2.单项选择题Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A.He is going to sign a contract.
B.He is signing his check to buy something.
C.He wants to skim through the piece.
D.He wants to register his name to enroll a course.

参考答案:stop to rest every two or three steps
5.填空题Inspiration for Your Kids
A parent, or anyone else who interacts regularly with kids, knows that communicating effectively with them can be difficult. If you want children to grow up into the best possible versions of themselves, it’s crucial to replace damaging words in your vocabulary with alternatives that help build character. Some of the things parents say to kids seem harmless or even constructive on the surface, but, experts say, they may hurt more than help. Here are some aspects under our consideration.
1. When the kid deserves praise
For years, we’ve been told that boosting a child’s self-esteem is important to his or her success in life. But child experts are now learning that too much praise can backfire (事与愿违). Praise-aholic tykes who expect it at every turn may become teens who seek the same kind of approval from their friends when offered a joint or asked if they want to go in the backseat of the car. The implication of saying "You’re the prettiest girl in class," or talking about the goals she scored but not her overall effort, is that you love her only when she looks the best, scores the highest, achieves the most. And this carries over to the classroom.
Social psychologist Carol Dweck, PhD, tested the effects of overpraise on 400 fifth graders while she was at Columbia University. She found that kids praised for "trying hard" did better on tests and were more likely to take on difficult assignments than those lauded for being "smart"
"Praising attributes or abilities makes a false promise that success will come to you because you have that trait, and it devalues effort, so children are afraid to take on challenges," says Dweck, now at Stanford University. "They figure they’d better quit while they’re ahead."
2. When the kid asks more to take back home
Does your child really need one more video game or doll Of course not. But by repeatedly saying money is the only reason he or she can’t have something, the parent may be sending the message that money is the source of all things good in life. Couple that with the marketing blitz everywhere they turn, and children will never get the meaning of excess or gratitude.
"You want your children to have the sense of abundance until the age of five—not in a material way, but in the sense that what you do have brings joy," says Marcy Axness, PhD, a child development specialist and founder of quantumparenting. com.
Finances are one of the few topics parents shouldn’t feel a duty to discuss or explain, especially with younger kids, Axness says. "If every request is met with a legal brief as to why they can’t have it or go there, you will end up with a child who is going to negotiate with you." Don’t be afraid to say to your little one, confidently and cheerfully, "No, sorry. Case closed."
If it’s your older, money-wise child who’s asking Sit down with tier and Work out together how she can make the purchase happen—as a reward for improved grades, say, or by buying it with an allowance for doing extra chores. The process of talking it through matters more than how much each contributes.
3. When the kid is upset
When a child comes home upset about being teased by classmates or not winning a medal at the swim meet, it’s only natural for parents to overlook his disappointment and offer consolation (安慰). Adults know that such setbacks are minor.
"But kids need to learn how to express feelings, work through them and move on, as opposed to trying to make them go away without expression," says Panaccione, an expert on children development. If children feel that they shouldn’t have feelings or that their feelings are bad, they’ll start to lock them inside and fail to adopt healthy coping strategies, she says.
On the other hand, kids shouldn’t wallow in bad feelings. A question like "Why do you think this happened" or "Do you have any ideas about what you can do to make it better" may give them encouragement they need to deal with situations on their own. Says Mel Levine, MD, a professor of pediatrics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: "A parent gives more comfort by listening than by talking. If you simply resonate with your child’s mood, then you’ll have a child who’s always willing to come to you and bare her soul."
4. When the kid talks to strangers
Kids today need to, and do, talk to strangers all the time—at the store checkout, on the bus, in the doctor’s office. This antiquated catchphrase is no substitute for a serious one-on-one about the real risks.
First, parents need a reality check: Despite the sensational stones, eases of children snatched off the sidewalk by total strangers and never seen again are extremely rare. Just 1 percent or fewer of all abductions happen that way. Meanwhile, children are frequently victimized by people they know well, including authority figures. That’s why it makes more sense to tell kids to be watchful of anyone, stranger or acquaintance, who makes them feel at all uncomfortable.
Parents of kids who spend time on the Internet should warn them against giving information that would identify their whereabouts, such as their last name, address or school name, advises James Beasley, an expert on child predators for the FBI. And kids should always tell their parents about new online buddies, especially those who ask if the child is willing to keep a secret.
5. When the kid doesn’t want to share
You’d never hand the keys to your sports car to the guy next door. But that’s what you’re asking your children to do when you tell them to share a toy. "Young kids don’t distinguish clearly between themselves and the objects they own, like their teddy bear or favorite toy train," says psychologist David Elkind, PhD, a professor at Tufts University and the author of The Hurried Child. "So in effect you’re asking them to give away part of themselves."
In extreme cases, if a child is forced to give up prized possessions over and over, the separation becomes so painful that he may avoid forming attachments to people, Elkind says. Kids don’t really begin to grasp the concept of sharing until age eight or so. Before then, it’s still important to begin conveying nuggets (至理名言) of selflessness. One solution is to put your child’s name on the toy before you take it out of his hands, so he knows you’re not forcing him to give up ownership.
It’s wise to discuss With older children on how they can get the things they want instead of complaining that things Cost much.
6.填空题In the cause of equal rights, feminists (女权主义者) have had much to complain about. But one striking piece of inequality has been (47) : lifespan. In this area, women have the (48) hand. All round the world, they live longer than men. Why they should do so is not (49) obvious. But the same is true in many other (50) . From lions to antelope and from sea lions to deer, males, for some reason, simply can’t go the distance.
One theory is that males must (51) for female attention. Females are not subject to such pressure. If this theory is correct, the effect will be especially (52) in those varieties where males rival for the attention of lots of females. Conversely, it will be reduced or absent where they do not.
That obviously takes its toll directly. But a more delicate effect may also be at work. Most scholars of ageing agree that an animal’s (53) lifespan is set by how long it can reasonably expect to escape predation (掠夺行为), disease, accident and damaging (54) by others of its kind. If it will be killed quickly anyway, there is not much reason for evolution to divert scarce resources into keeping the machine in excellent condition. Those resources should, instead, be (55) to reproduction. And the more (56) the outside world is, the shorter the uppermost lifespan should be.
  • A) overlookedF) threatening K) spontaneous
  • B) upperG) undoubtedly L) devoted
  • C) aggressionH) species M) combine
  • D) immediatelyI) evident N) upright
  • E) clumsyJ) compete O) maximum

8.单项选择题Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A.His memory is very terrific.
B.He is very familiar with the route.
C.He is tired of having a meeting at that hotel.
D.He has many meetings in that hotel.

9.单项选择题Since the industrial revolution, government, society, and industry have attempted to channel technological progress in useful directions. Whether it is the printing press, the cotton gin (轧棉机), the automobile or the Internet, technological innovations (创新) often have profound economic and social effects. To control the benefits and minimize the more harmful effects of new technologies, modern governments use four basic approaches: specific direction, market incentives (刺激), criminal prohibition and behavior modification.
Specific direction starts with governments identifying one or more key factors in the R&D phase. Then, using a variety of means ranging from administrative regulation to complete state Ownership, the government seeks to control the implementation of the technology.
Market incentives are the deliberate manipulation of the market by the government to control how a particularly technology is distributed and used. For example, some governments impose taxes to cover the hidden costs associated with the use of a particular technology. And also, some governments raise gasoline taxes to pay for highway improvements. Other methods include the granting of allowances to private researchers or the strengthening of intellectual property laws to give added allowances to developers.
Criminal prohibition usually takes place when strong opposition exists to a particular technology or field of research. In recent years, most developed countries have enacted legislation to ban the cloning of human beings. Other examples are the enforcement of clean air regulations that force power plants to emit fewer greenhouse gasses.
Finally, behavior modification includes the use of the media, advertising, and government and corporate leadership to encourage a particular society to use a technology in a beneficial way. Such campaigns do not use direct government regulation, but instead appeal to the user’s sense of civic duty or social responsibility.
Of all new technologies, perhaps none has changed the landscape and character of American life more than the automobile. Yet, the costs of this technology are not always reflected in the price of using the technology. For that, we must factor in the environmental costs associated with air pollution and the political costs. In short, in order to be effective, all of these strategies for channeling technology to benefit society must include all the costs associated with usage.
By implementing criminal prohibition, the government will be able to ______.

A.limit the development of technology in certain fields
B.ban human cloning in developing counties
C.establish more environment-friendly nuclear power plants
D.cut down high-tech crimes which have been prevailing nowadays

10.单项选择题A balanced diet provides an adequate intake of nutrients for maintenance of the body and therefore good health. A diet can easily be adequate (67) normal body functions, yet may not be a balanced diet. An ideal human diet (68) fat, protein, and carbohydrates (碳水化合物) in correct (69) . The exact amount vary for each (70) because everyone has different metabolic (新陈代谢的) rates and levels of activity. Malnutrition results (71) an unbalanced diet, this is (72) an excess of some dietary components and (73) of other components. Too much of one component can be as much (74) to the body as too little. Energy is (75) by carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Proteins are primarily used as building blocks for (76) of many body tissues. The energy providing compounds are needed in (77) quantities in our diet. We also need much smaller amounts of other nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. (78) the small quantities needed these are essential to provide a healthy diet as they have (79) roles in metabolic reactions. The (80) absorbed are converted to other compounds which are then used for metabolism. Starch, a major carbohydrate, can be then synthesized into fat for (81) . There are some organic compounds which in spite of being (82) for health cannot be made by cells. A balanced diet is imperative to (83) a healthy body. People who choose to be vegetarians and (84) must make sure that their diet contains all the correct nutrients to (85) any deficiencies. This is the same for people living in countries (86) their diet lacks certain important food groups.
