单项选择题A tree’s age can be determined by counting the annual growth rings in its trunk. Each ring represents one year, and the ring’s thickness reveals the relative amount of rainfall that year. Archaeologists successfully used annual rings to determine the relative ages of ancient tombs at Pazyryk. Each tomb was constructed from freshly cut logs, and the tombs’ builders were constrained by tradition to use only logs from trees growing in the sacred Pazyryk Valley.
Which one of the following, if true, contributes most to an explanation of the archaeologists’ success in using annual rings to establish the relative ages of the tombs at the Pazyryk site ?()

A.The Pazyryk tombs were all robbed during ancient times, but breakage of the tombs’ seals allowed the seepage of water, which soon froze permanently, thereby preserving the tombs’ remaining artifacts.
B.The Pazyryk Valley, surrounded by extremely high mountains, has a distinctive yearly pattern of rainfall, and so trees growing in the Pazyryk Valley have annual rings that are quite distinct from trees growing in nearby valleys.
C.Each log in the Pazyryk tombs has among its rings a distinctive sequence of twelve annual rings representing six drought years followed by three rainy years and three more drought years.
D.The archaeologists determined that the youngest tree used in any of the tombs was 90 years old and that the oldest tree was 450 years old.
E.All of the Pazyryk tombs contained cultural artifacts that can be dated to roughly 2300 years ago.



1.单项选择题Financing for a large construction project was provided by a group of banks. When the money was gone before the project was completed, the banks approved additional loans. Now, with funds used up again and completion still not at hand, the banks refuse to extend further loans, although without those loans, the project is doomed.
Which of the following, if true, best explains why the bank’s current reaction is different from their reaction in the previous instance of depletion of funds ?()

A.The banks have reassessed the income potential of the completed project and have concluded that total income general would be less than total interest due on the old plus the needed new loans.
B.The banks have identified several other projects that offer faster repayment of the principal if loans are approved now to get those projects started.
C.The banks had agreed with the borrowers that the construction loans would be secured by the completed project.
D.The cost overruns were largely due to unforeseeable problems that arose in the most difficult phase of the construction work.
E.The project stimulated the development and refinement of several new construction techniques, which will make it easier and cheaper to carry out similar projects in the future.

2.单项选择题Currently, the number of first-time admissions of individuals diagnosed as manic-depressives to hospitals in Great Britain exceeds by nine times the number of admissions of such patients to public and private hospitals in the United States, even though the population size of the United States is many times that of Great Britain.
Which of the following, if true, would be most useful to an attempt to explain the situation described above ?()

A.The term manic-depressive refers to a wider range of mentally ill patients in Great Britain than it does in the United States.
B.The admission rate in the United States includes those individuals who visit clinics for the first time as well as those who are admitted directly to hospitals.
C.A small percentage of patients diagnosed as manic-depressive in Great Britain are admitted to private nursing homes rather than hospitals.
D.The variety of training institutions in psychology in the United States is greater than in Great Britain, reflecting the variety of schools of psychology that have developed in the United States.
E.Seeking professional assistance for mental health problems no longer carries a social stigma in the United States, as it once did.

3.单项选择题Sixty adults were asked to keep a diary of their meals, including what they consumed, when, and in the company of how many people. It was found that at meals with which they drank alcoholic beverages, they consumed about 175 calories more from nonalcoholic sources than they did at meals with which they did not drink alcoholic beverages.
Each of the following, if true, contributes to an explanation of the difference in caloric intake EXCEPT ()

A.Diners spent a much longer time at meals served with alcohol than they did at those served without alcohol.
B.The meals eaten later in the day tended to be larger than those eaten earlier in the day, and later meals were more likely to include alcohol.
C.People eat more when there are more people present at the meal, and more people tended to be present at meals served with alcohol than at meals served without alcohol.
D.The meals that were most carefully prepared and most attractively served tended to be those at which alcoholic beverages were consumed.
E.At meals that included alcohol, relatively more of the total calories consumed came from carbohydrates and relatively fewer of them came from fats and proteins.