单项选择题Which of the following works did NOT win Eugene Galdstone O’Neill the Pulitzer Prize().

A. Long Day’s Journey into Night.
B. Beyond the Horizon,
C. Strange Interlude.
D. The Great God Brown,



1.单项选择题Wallace Stevens won all kinds of prizes EXCEPT ().

A. the Bollingen Prize
B. the Nobel Prize for Literature
C. the Pulitzer Prize
D. American National Book Award

2.单项选择题() won Ezra Pound the Bollingen Prize.

A. The Pisan Cantos
B. Homage to Sextus Propertius
C. Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
D. In a Station of the Metro

3.单项选择题Which of the following is NOT a poem written by Robert Lee Frost().

A. New Hampshire.
B. Personae.
C. A Witness Tree.
D. A Boy’s Wish.

4.单项选择题() is the only one well-known comedy by Eugene Galdstone O’Neill.

A. Ah, Wilderness!
B. Long Day’s Journey into Night
C. Beyond the Horizon
D. The Hairy Ape

5.单项选择题() was the most prominent American playwright in the early 1920s.

A. T.S. Eliot
B. Eugene Galdstone O’Neill
C. John Updike
D. Arthur Asher Miller

6.单项选择题Robert Lee Frost’s poetry focuses on people in ()

A. New Orland
B. New York
C. New England
D. New Jersey

7.单项选择题Ezra Pound is regarded as the father of modem American ().

A. novels
B. poetry
C. dramas
D. prose

8.单项选择题Stephen Crane is the pioneer who wrote in the () tradition.

A. sentimental
B. naturalistic
C. romantic
D. realistic

9.单项选择题Who does not belong to the writers of the Realistic Age().

A. Mark Twain
B. Henry James
C. Jack London
D. James Fenimore Cooper

10.单项选择题Winesburg, Ohio is a collection of 23 stories by ().

A. Theodore Dreiser
B. Sherwood Anderson
C. Stephen Crane
D. Henry James