单项选择题Contrary to its rather negative reputation in the West, pigs in Chinese culture are a sign of kindness and generosity. Pigs care a great deal about friends and family and work hard to keep everyone in their life happy. Chinese people view the pig as a smart and prosperous animal. Western ideas tend to be a little more negative.
When talking to a Westerner, however, you have to be a little careful when you talk about pigs. A pig in the West is seen as a dirty, lazy, and fat animal. If anyone ever called you a pig, you wouldn"t be smiling. When a person doesn"t like someone,sometimes he will call that person a pig.
If you ever meet a Westerner who was born in the year of the pig, don"t say, "Oh, you"re a pig!" Most Westerners will be quite understanding. They will be sure that you made some kind of a mistake. However, don"t take any chances. You might just offend someone who does not share your positive ideas about pigs.
A Westerner will call someone a pig if he ______ that man.

B.is afraid of
C.looks up to
D.makes fun of

