单项选择题According to the passage, which of the following is most important in saving declining species

A.governments should make some laws to protect endangered species.
B.People should pay more attention to the protection of natural surroundings.
C.Relevant law must be made and enforced with the support of the people
D.Some organizations should warn people not to trade in endangered animals.



1.单项选择题This passage mentions all of the following causes for the extinction of many species EXCEPT

A.natural selection of species.
B.various natural disasters.
C.commercial trade and killing
D.destruction of natural surroundings.

2.单项选择题In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the word “islands” refers to

A.the lands that are completely surrounded by water.
B.the wild animals’ breeding grounds protected by law.
C.the pieces of land separated by modern buildings and roads.
D.the small and isolated areas inhabited by certain species.

3.单项选择题The government may reduce taxes in a recession in order to _________.

A.apply to all businesses.
B.raise the GDP.
C.state and city government
D.reduce spending
E.modify fluctuations in the business cycle
F.produce and sell goods

4.单项选择题The government revenue in the U.S. is collected by the federal government and _________.

A.apply to all businesses.
B.raise the GDP.
C.state and city government
D.reduce spending
E.modify fluctuations in the business cycle
F.produce and sell goods

5.单项选择题Besides buying and producing services, governments also _________.

A.apply to all businesses.
B.raise the GDP.
C.state and city government
D.reduce spending
E.modify fluctuations in the business cycle
F.produce and sell goods

6.单项选择题Paragraph 5 _________.

A.Collecting Taxes
B.Making Transfer Payments
C.Making Laws and Regulations
D.Buying and Selling Goods and Services
E.Stabilizing the Economy
F.Controlling the Market

7.单项选择题Paragraph 4 _________.

A.Collecting Taxes
B.Making Transfer Payments
C.Making Laws and Regulations
D.Buying and Selling Goods and Services
E.Stabilizing the Economy
F.Controlling the Market

8.单项选择题Governments regulate economic behavior, and the regulations _________.

A.apply to all businesses.
B.raise the GDP.
C.state and city government
D.reduce spending
E.modify fluctuations in the business cycle
F.produce and sell goods

9.单项选择题Paragraph 3 _________.

A.Collecting Taxes
B.Making Transfer Payments
C.Making Laws and Regulations
D.Buying and Selling Goods and Services
E.Stabilizing the Economy
F.Controlling the Market

10.单项选择题The passage is most likely written for researchers.

C.Not mentioned