填空题Through exposure in air, water, and organic matter, rocks undergo changes known as weathering (风化).
A. Through B. in C. changes D. as



参考答案:D 应改为with a parting。[解析] present vt.作“赠送”解的搭配是:present sth.t...
参考答案:D 应改为from each other。[解析] distinguish vt.(多与from搭配).如:It is ...
参考答案:C 应改为in或at。[解析] be disappointed at/in表示对事实或行为感到失望,be disappo...
参考答案:A 应改为To。[解析] to the best of my knowledge据我所知,例如:To the best ...
参考答案:A 应改为at。[解析] at常与会议、集会这类名词搭配。
参考答案:A 应改为with。[解析] because of通常不与人搭配,而与某事搭配。
参考答案:A 应改为in。[解析] excel in(=do better than others,be very good)优于...
参考答案:C 应改为in。[解析] in the past few weeks在过去的几周内,表示行为的终结。“for+多少时间”...
参考答案:C 应改为in which。[解析] which的先行词是system。译文:任一特定产品或服务的价格都与庞大、复杂的价...
参考答案:A 应改为In。[解析] in response to响应,作为反应。如:In response to your inq...