单项选择题The burning of fuel oil in a diesel engine having a high sodium content, will cause ()

A.corrosion and grooving of exhaust valves
B.corrosion and gumming of the fuel injection pump
C.salt deposits in the exhaust manifold
D.slag deposits in the fuel injection equipment



1.单项选择题The consistent burning of fuel oil with a high sulfur content in a diesel engine will result in ()

A.clogged fuel injection pumps
B.increased cylinder liner wear
C.intake valve stem corrosion
D.varnish deposit on pistons

2.单项选择题Which of the following problems may occur when using fuel oil with a high sulphur content?()

A.Injection lag
B.Lube oil dilution

3.单项选择题Burning fuel with a high sulfur content in a diesel engine will ()

A.increase thermal efficiency
B.cause clogging of the fuel system
C.increase the ability of the engine to start in cold weather
D.produce corrosion in the cylinder and exhaust system at low loads

4.单项选择题Leaking oil seals on a diesel engine turbocharger can cause()

A.the engine to run after the fuel has been secured
B.the engine to over-speed
C.a fire
D.all of the above

5.单项选择题If the back clearance of a piston ring is excessive,()

A.compression pressure in the cylinder will be higher
B.carbon will accumulate behind the ring
C.combustion gases will penetrate beneath the ring land
D.piston side thrust will be increased

7.单项选择题If a crankcase explosion has occurred in a diesel engine, and the crankcase remains intact, which of following precautions should be observed?()

A.The cylinder indicator cocks should be opened
B.The sump lube oil scavenge pump should be secured immediately
C.The explosion relief valves should be manually opened
D.The crankcase should remain unopened until the engine has cooled

8.单项选择题A sudden power loss from a turbocharged and after-cooled diesel engine is an indication of a/an()

A.turbocharger malfunction or failure
B.crankcase exhauster overload
C.overload on the intercooler
D.obstruction in the engine cylinders

9.单项选择题If a diesel engine has been stopped because of piston seizure due to severe overheating, the crankcase()

A.inspection covers should not be opened until the engine has cooled
B.ventilation system should be continued in operation for one hour for cooling
C.scavenge pump should be immediately secured to prevent loss of lube oil
D.explosion covers should be opened slightly to provide extra ventilation

10.单项选择题The desirable properties of a marine fuel oil should include()

A.high flash point and high viscosity
B.low flash point and high viscosity
C.low heating value and high sulphur content
D.high heating value and low sulphur content