单项选择题Shall I get some chalk for you? ()

A.That's right 
B.No, thanks, let Tom do it
C.I can do it without you
D.Not at all 



1.单项选择题Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology()so rapidly.

A.is changing 
B.has been changed 
C.will have changed 
D.will change

2.单项选择题Professor White contributed a lot to our community,()

A.teaching, writing, and lecturing   
B.teaching, writing, and a lecturer 
C.a teacher, a writer, and lecturing   
D.teaching, lecturing, and a writer

4.单项选择题Pleased to meet you! ―()

A.Pleased to meet you ,too.
B.How do you do? 
C.I've heard about you.   
D.The pleasure is mine

5.单项选择题Please help yourself to the seafood.()

A.Thanks, but I don't like the seafood
B.Sorry, I can't help 
C.Well, fish don't suit for
D.No, I can't

6.单项选择题Please help yourself to the seafood.()

A.No, I can't.
B.Sorry, I can't help.
C.Well, seafood don't suit.
D.Thanks, but I don't like seafood.

7.单项选择题Please help yourself to the fish.()

A.Thanks, but I don't like the fish. 
B.Sorry, I can't help.
C.Well, fish don't suit me. 
D.No, I can't.

8.单项选择题Peter worked so fast with the maths problems()a lot of mistakes

A.as to make
B.that made  
C.to make
D.that he made

9.单项选择题People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware()he had gone

A.of where 
B.of the place where 
D.the place

10.单项选择题Paul, this is my friend, Ann.()

A.Very well, thank you.   
B.How do you like the party? 
C.Glad to meet you, Jack.   
D.Glad to meet you, Ann.