单项选择题Which of the following is true for the passage of title in a contract requiring a document of title?()

A.The title passes when the shipping arrangements are made
B.The title passes at the time and place of contracting
C.The title passes when the destination of delivery is first mentioned in the contract
D.The title passes when and where the seller delivers the document to the buyer



3.单项选择题Which of the following is true of a contract with an adjudged insane person?()

A.The adjudged insane person is bound by the terms of the contract
B.The contract is void
C.Only the competent party can enforce the contract
D.The competent party is legally obligated to uphold the contract

4.单项选择题If a person employs an architect to design the layout of his or her own home,it would constitute a(n)()relationship.

B.principal-independent contractor
D.agent-independent contractor

6.单项选择题Which of the following would be a legitimate method to convert an order paper to a bearer paper?()

B.adding the term ’pay to the order of’
C.delivering the order paper
D.specifying a payee

7.单项选择题What does the English rule for successive assignments provide?()

A.The first assignment in time prevails,regardless of notice
B.The first assignment in time prevails,pending notice
C.The first assignee to give notice to the obligor prevails
D.The first assignee who receives a tangible token prevails

8.单项选择题()is an ethical theory where a person adheres to rules or commands that are from an outside source,like a book or a central figure.

A.Ethical fundamentalism
C.Ethical relativism
D.Rawls’s social justice theory