多项选择题You are using replication and the binary log files on your master server consume a lot of disk space. Which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files?()

A.Use the command PURGE BINARY LOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused files
B.Execute the PURGE BINARY LOGE NOT USED command
C.Remove all of the binary log files that have a modification date earlier than today
D.Edit the .index file to remove the files you want to delete
E.Ensure that none of the attached slaves are using any of the binary logs you want to delete




You have a login-path named "adamlocal" that was created by using the mysql_config_editor command. You need to check what is defined for this login_path to ensure that it is correct for you deployment.
You execute this command:
$mysql_config_editor print –login-path=adamlocal What is the expected output of this command?()

A.The command prints all parameter for the login-path. The password is replaced with stars
B.The command prints the encrypted entry for the login-path. The is only possible to see if an entry exists
C.The command prints all parameters for the login-path. The password is shown only when you provide the  –password option
D.The command prints all parameters for the login-path. The password is printed in plain tex


Mysqldump was used to create a single schema backup; Shell> mysqldump –u root –p sakila > sakila2013.sql
Which two commands will restore the sakila database without interfering with other running database?()

A.Mysql> USE sakila; LOAD DATA INFILE 'sakila2013.sql';
B.Shell> mysql –u root –p sakila sakila2013.sql
C.Shell> mysql import –u root –p sakila sakila2013.sql
D.Shell> mysql  –u root -p  –e 'use sakila; source sakila2013.sql'
E.Shell> mysql  –u root  –p  –silent < sakila2013.sql


Consider the following statement on a RANGE partitioned table: ALTER TABLE orders DROP PARTITION p1, p3;
What is the outcome of executing the above statement?()

A.A syntax error will result as you cannot specify more than one partition in the same statement
B.All data in p1 and p3 partitions are removed and the table definition is changed
C.All data in p1 and p3 partitions are removed, but the table definition remains unchanged
D.Only the first partition (p1) will be dropped as only one can be dropped at any time


Which three methods will show the storage engine for the Country table?()


A MySQL replication slave is set up as follows: User all InnoDB tablesReceives ROW-based binary logs Has the read-only optionThe replication slave has been found in an error state.You check the MySQL error log file and find the following entries:2013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [ERROR] Slave SQL: Could not execute Write_rows event on table test.tl; Duplicate entry ‘3’ for key’PRIMARY’ , Error_code: 1062; handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event’s master log 56_master-bin.000003, end_log_pas 653, Error_code: 10622013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [Warning] Salve: Duplicate entry ‘3’ for key ‘PRIMARY’Error_code: 10622013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [ERROR] Error running query, slave SQL thread aborted. Fix theproblem, and restart the slave SQL thread with “SLAVE START”, We stopped at log ‘56_masterbin.000003’ position 496 What are two possible causes for this error to occur?()


Consider the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin.On attempting to start the MySQL service after a crash, notice the following error: [ERROR] Plugin ‘audit_log’ init function returned error.In the audit log file, you notice the final entry:…What action should you take to fix the error and allow the service to start?()


An employee cannot access the company database. You check the connection variables:What is a valid explanation for why one of the users is unable to connect to the database?()


What is true regarding InnoDB locking?()


Consider the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin, You add the following lines to the my.cnf configuration tile: [mysqld] Plugin-load=audit_log.so Audit-log=FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT You attempt to start up the MySQL service and notice that it fails to start.Which two statements would explain why the service did not start?()


You have table 'apps','userdata' on server that uses MyISAM storage engine.You want to transfer this data to server but use InnoDB engine instead. You execute the following commands: ServerB commands:Shell> mysqldump –u root –h server –no-data apps userdata mysql –u root –p appsShell> mysql –u root –p –h server –e 'ALTER TABLE 'apps','userdata' ENGINE=InnoDB;'Shell> mysqldump –u root –p –h server –no-create-info –order-by-primary apps userdata mysql –u root –p appsWhat effect does the – order-by-primary argument have on the mysqldump command?()


You use—login-path to access a MySQL server on a Linux installation.Which statement is true about the – login-path option that is created by using mysql_config_editor?()


You adjust a default configuration to the following /etc/my.cnf on a Linux installation:[mysqld] Loq-bin Binrylog_format=ROW You do not notice the spelling error in binrylog_format and restart your production server. How does the MySQL server behave with incorrectly spelled options?()


Which two statements describe the behavior of the server's SQL mode?()
