单项选择题Canada is bounded on the east by().

A.the Pacific Ocean 
B.the Atlantic Ocean
C.the Indian Ocean 
D.the Arctic Ocean


1.单项选择题Canada is located in().

A.the Southern Hemisphere
B.The Northern Hemisphere
C.the Western Hemisphere 
D.The Eastern Hemisphere

2.单项选择题In()the writer introduced the stream-of-consciousness technique as a remarkable means of character portrayal.

D.A Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man

3.单项选择题he author of Ulysses is()

A.George Bernard Shaw 
B.Virginia Woolf
C.James Joyce 
D.Stephen Leacock

4.单项选择题Among the following writers,who is the most well-know Irish writer of the modern period?()

A.George Bernard Shaw
B.Virginia Woolf.
C.James Joyce.
D.Stephen Leacock.

5.单项选择题Ireland gave the world some of the greatest writers in the English language,including Jonathan Swift,Oliver Goldsmith,and().

A.William Shakespeare 
B.Charles Dickens
C.Oscar Wilde 
D.Bernard Shaw

6.单项选择题Which of the following is the most influential of all Irish newspapers?()

A.The Irish Independent.
B.The Irish Times.
C.The Irish Press.
D.The Sun.

7.单项选择题The following are the major newspapers in Ireland except().

A.the Irish Independent 
B.the Irish Times
C.the Irish Press 
D.the Sum

8.单项选择题The oldest university in Ireland is().

A.the National University 
B.Dublin City University
C.the University of Dublin 
D.Saint Patrick's College

9.单项选择题Ireland is one of the leading exporters of()in Europe.

A.coal and iron ore
B.silver and gold
C.copper and aluminum
D.lead and zinc