单项选择题“The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one -eighth of it being above water. ” This “iceberg” analogy about prose style was put forward by ________.

A.William Faulkner
B.Henry James
C.Ernest Hemingway
D.FScott Fitzgerald



2.单项选择题The plays known as “the Lawrence trilogy” are all the following EXCEPT ________.

A.A Collier’ s Friday Night
B.Lady Chatterley’ s Lover
C.The Daughter - in - Law
D.The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyed

3.单项选择题The work ________ by William Blake is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy world, though not without its evils and sufferings.

A.Songs of Innocence
B.Songs of Experience
C.Poetical Sketches
D.Lyrical Ballads

4.单项选择题John Milton’s greatest poetical work ________ is the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf.

B.Paradise Lost
D.Samson Agonistes

7.单项选择题Among the three major poetical works by John Milton, ________ is the most perfect example of verse drama after the Greek style in English.

A.Samson Agonistes
B.Paradise Lost
C.Paradise Regained

8.单项选择题Henry Fielding’ s ________ brings him the name of “Prose Homer”.

A.The History of Jonathan Wild the Great
B.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
C.The History of Amelia
D.The History of Joseph Andrews

9.单项选择题William Blake’s ________ marks his entry into maturity.

A.Poetical Sketches
B.Songs of Innocence
C.Marriage of Heaven and Hell
D.Songs of Experience

10.单项选择题All of the following poems by William Wordsworth are masterpieces on nature EXCEPT ________.

A.“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
B.“An Evening Walk”
C.“Tinter Abbey”
D.“The Solitary Reaper”