单项选择题What is the main point of the passage

A.To warn people of the dangers of atomic power.
B.To describe the heroism of Louis Slotin.
C.To make a statement about what morality means.
D.To express the author's view of a scientist's duty.



1.单项选择题Slotin did not call the hospital for help until ______.

A.the screwdriver slipped
B.a chain reaction began
C.he apologized to his co-workers
D.he calmly handled the accident

2.单项选择题The main idea of the passage is that______.

A.more students cheat on exams now than in the past
B.each era has a different concept of honour
C.there are still many individuals today who have a sense of honour
D.our society no longer values a sense of honour

3.单项选择题Which is NOT true as far as the author's college life was concerned

A.Few students cheated on exams.
B.Students had an honour code.
C.Students did not tell teachers about their friends' cheating.
D.Teachers did not supervise exams.

4.单项选择题Who might testify that it was Shakespeare who wrote the plays

A.The mystery-author theorists.
B.Francis Bacon.
C.Theatre owners.
D.Theatregoers and the actors.

5.单项选择题All of the following statements are true EXCEPT______.

A.Shakespeare received little formal higher education.
B.Shakespeare could remain objective when interpreting human passions.
C.Shakespeare had a thorough understanding of the nature of human behaviour.
D.Shakespeare's drama was spoken highly of by Samuel Johnson.

6.单项选择题What is common among the characters in Shakespeare's drama

A.They reflect the people in reality as well as in his dreams.
B.They often have to make hard choices as to what to do.
C.They are caught in the conflict of emotions and feel ashamed of themselves.
D.All of the abov

7.单项选择题What distinguishes Shakespeare from the other English dramatists who also used well- known English history and old legends as sources

A.His recreation of familiar tales.
B.His competence in foreign languages.
C.His own experience as an actor.
D.His Roetic passion:

8.单项选择题Changing one's "losing streak" means______.

A.doing transactional analysis
B.becoming more like a winner
C.learning new psychological approaches
D.getting rid of bad habits

9.单项选择题The second section describes two psychological approaches______.

A.that can help losers become winners
B.that are particularly helpful for winners
C.that can help one become all-rounded
D.that can help distinguish a winner from a loser

10.单项选择题What would happen to inherited characteristics in the next generation in the process of natural selection

A.Inherited characteristics that decrease an organism's chances of living and reproducing will be more common.
B.Inherited characteristics that increase an organism's chances of living and reproducing will be less common.
C.Inherited characteristics that increase an organism's chances of living and reproducing will remain the same.
D.Inherited characteristics that decrease an organism's chances of living and reproducing will be less common.