单项选择题The main bearings are provided with thin-walled (), lined with a copper-lead alloy.

A.steel guides
B.steel shells
C.steel bearing caps
D.pig iron



3.单项选择题The main bearing metal is a lining ().

A.inside the bearing
B.outside the bearing
C.covering the crankshaft
D.none of the above

4.单项选择题The machine has stopped rotating because the bearing () the shaft.


5.单项选择题The lubricating system for the cylinder walls is different from the bearings in that the oil for former one is supplied in () while that for latter one is ().

A.sufficient quantity; measured
B.measured quantity;sufficient
C.excessive quantity;sufficient
D.the less quantity the better;the more the better

6.单项选择题The lubricating pipes and dusts should be blown out with ().

B.the fresh water
C.compressed air
D.chemical compounds

7.单项选择题The lubricating oil is pumped from the drain tank, very often with () in the suction line.

A.a filter
B.a strainer
C.a magnetic filter
D.a fine strainer

9.单项选择题The lowest ring of a piston is ().

A.a coil spring
B.a sealing ring
C.an oil distributor ring
D.main seal ring

10.单项选择题The lower end of each piston rod is reduced in diameter to fit a bore in ().

A.the crosshead
B.the journals of the crosshead
C.the crosshead shoes
D.the guides