单项选择题If a diabetic suffers an insulin reaction and is conscious,he should be given().

A.soda crackers and water
B.orange juice
C.an ounce of whiskey
D.a glass of milk



1.单项选择题If a crewman suffers a second-degree burn on the arm,you should().

A.drain any blisters
B.apply antiseptic ointment
C.scrub the arm thoroughly to prevent infection
D.immerse the arm in cold water

2.单项选择题Every seaman injured on a fishing vessel must reportthe injury to the Master,individual in charge,or otheragent of the employer().

A.before the end of the voyage
B.no later than 24 hours after the vessel docks
C.no later than 7 days after the injury occurred
D.only if the injury prevents him from working

3.单项选择题Epilepsy is a chronic nervous disorder characterized by().

A.severe nausea and cramps
B.muscular convulsions with partial or complete loss of consciousness
C.sudden thirst and craving for candy
D.severe agitation and desire to get out of closed spaces

4.单项选择题During the course of a voyage,a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle. The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death if the().

A.injury results in loss of life only
B.injury is the result of misconduct
C.injured is incapacitated
D.injured needs first aid

5.单项选择题After a person has been revived by artificial respiration,he should be().

A.walked around until he is back to normal
B.given several shots of whiskey
C.kept lying down and warm
D.allowed to do as he wishes

6.单项选择题According to the Chemical Data Guide,what does ethyl chloride produce when ignited?()

A.Toxic fumes of oxides of nitrogen
B.Toxic fumes of lead
C.Poisonous phosgene gas
D.Poisonous chlorine gas

7.单项选择题A victim is coughing and wheezing from a partialobstruction of the airway. An observer should ().

A.perform the Heimlich maneuver
B.immediately start CPR
C.give back blows and something to drink
D.allow the person to continue coughing and dislodge the obstruction on his own

8.单项选择题A victim has suffered a second-degree burn to a small area of the lower arm. What is the proper treatment for this injury?()

A.Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours,apply burn ointment,and bandage
B.Open any blisters with a sterile needle,apply burn ointment and bandage
C.Apply burn ointment,remove any foreign material and insure that nothing is in contact with the burn
D.Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours,open any blister and apply burn ointment

9.单项选择题A shipmate suffers a heart attack and stops breathing. You must().

A.administer oxygen
B.immediately check his pulse and start CPR
C.make the victim comfortable in a bunk
D.immediately give a stimulant,by force if necesssary

10.单项选择题A shipmate chokes suddenly,cannot speak,and starts to turn blue. You should().

A.perform the Heimlich maneuver
B.make the victim lie down with the feet elevated to get blood to the brain
C.immediately administer CPR
D.do nothing until the victim becomes unconscious