单项选择题STCW78/95 Convention describes that () are laid down for the certification of engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned engine room, or the designated engineer in a periodically unmanned engine room.

A.available minimum requirements
B.available maximum requirements
C.mandatory minimum requirements
D.mandatory maximum requirements



2.单项选择题At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with () whether or not to maintain an underway watch.

A.the engineer officer in charge of watch
B.the deck officer in charge of watch
C.the master
D.the chief mate

3.单项选择题The Oil Record Book, as a part of the ships official logbook, shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of ().

A.3 years after making the first entry
B.2 years after the last entry
C.3 months after last entry
D.3 years after the last entry

8.单项选择题Any carbon built up on surfaces must be washed away by () additives and held in suspension by a () additive.


9.单项选择题The () of an oil refers to its ability to mix with water and then release the water in a centrifuge.

A.oxidation resistance
B.carbon-forming tendency

10.单项选择题Obviously, for a given fuel oil, its pour point is () its cloud point.

A.lower than
B.higher than
C.as same as
D.better than