单项选择题Which statement is TRUE with respect to the elasticity of nylon mooring lines?().

A.Nylon can stretch over forty percent without being in danger of parting
B.Nylon can be elongated by one-hundred percent before it will part
C.Nylon will part if it is stretched any more than twenty percent
D.Under load,nylon will stretch and thin out but will return to normal size when free of tension



1.单项选择题Which statement is TRUE concerning radiotelephones on board towing vessels?()

A.There cannot be a radiotelephone located anywhere except in the wheelhouse
B.The officer in charge of the wheelhouse is considered to have the radiotelephone watch
C.Only distress messages may be transmitted over channel 13
D.Only the Master of the vessel is allowed to speak over the radiotelephone

2.单项选择题Which statement is TRUE about placing the eyes of two mooring lines on the same bollard?()

A.Put one line at the low point and one at the high point of the bollard so they don't touch
B.Take the eye of the second line up through the eye of the first line before putting the second line on the bollard
C.Never put two mooring lines on the same bollard
D.The mooring line forward should be put on the bollard first

3.单项选择题Which statement is TRUE about nylon line?()

A.Manila line will usually last longer than nylon line
B.Nylon line is excellent for use in alongside towing
C.A normal safe working load will stretch nylon line 50%
D.Nylon stoppers should be used with nylon line

4.单项选择题Which spoken emergency signal would you use to call a boat to come assist a man overboard?()

A.Distress signal
B.Urgency signal
C.Safety signal
D.None of the above

6.单项选择题Which mooring line has the least elasticity?()


7.单项选择题Which method of adjusting mooring lines is MOST useful for leaving a boat free to rise and fall with the tide?()

A.Crossing the spring lines
B.Slacking all forward running lines while keeping all after running lines taut
C.Doubling up on spring or breast lines
D.Slacking bow and stern lines

8.单项选择题Which method is used to detect rot in manila lines?()

A.Feeling the surface of the line for broken fibers
B.Measuring the reduction in circumference of the line
C.Observing for the appearance of mildew on the outer surface
D.Opening the strands and examining the inner fibers

9.单项选择题Which measure should NOT be taken to reduce the pounding of a vessel in a head sea?()

A.Add ballast in the afterpeak
B.Add ballast forward
C.Alter course
D.Reduce speed

10.单项选择题Which may ignite fuel vapors?()

A.Static electricity
B.An open and running motor
C.Loose wiring
D.All of the above