单项选择题The nursing care plan for a client after gynecologic surgery includes nursing orders intended to help reduce the risk of thrombophlebitis. Which is not appropriate among the following nursing interventions

A.Ambulate the client.
B.Massage the client's legs.
C.Have the client wear elasticized stockings.
D.Have the client perform range-of-motion exercises in bed.



1.单项选择题Which of the following is not a contributory factor to thermoregulation in the preterm neonate

A.Immature central nervous system (CNS).
B.Large skin surface area.
C.Lack of subcutaneous (S. C. ) and brown fat.
D.Tendency toward capillary fragility.

2.单项选择题The nurse is caring for a client with acute osteomyelitis in the right tibia. Which of the following measures is most appropriate when repositioning the client's leg

A.Hold the leg by the ankle when repositioning to avoid touching the tibia.
B.Support the leg above and below the affected area when positioning.
C.Have the client move the leg by himself to decrease pain.
D.Apply warm moist compresses to the leg before repositioning.

3.单项选择题A client with heart failure asks the nurse about the reason for taking enalapril maleate. The nurse would explain that the medication is prescribed for which of the following reason

A.Lower the blood pressure by increasing peripheral vasoconstriction.
B.Lower the heart rate by slowing the conduetion system.
C.Block the conversion of angiotensin Ⅰ to angiotensin Ⅱ.
D.Increase myocardial contractility, thereby improving cardiac output.

4.单项选择题Which of the following signs and symptoms is classic for a patient with rheumatoid arthritis

A.Joint swelling, joint stiffness in the morning, and bilateral joint involvement.
B.Crepitus, development of Heberden's nodes, and anemia.
C.Pain on weight-bearing, rash, and low-grade fever.
D.Fatigue, leukopenia, and joint pain.

7.单项选择题By age 7 months, an infant most likely will develop which of the following motor skill

A.Walk with one hand held.
B.Eat successfully with a spoon.
C.Stand while holding onto furniture.
D.Sit alone using the hands for support.

8.单项选择题Nitroglycerin is also available in ointment or paste form. Before applying nitroglycerin ointment, what should the nurse do first

A.Cleanse the skin with alcohol where the ointment will be placed.
B.Obtain the client's pulse rate and rhythm.
C.Remove the ointment previously applied."
D.Instruct the client to expect pain relief in the next 15 minutes.